Get Ready For The Spring $120 A Month Unlimited. 7 Different Classes A Week To Choose from! 


Workout Partner Cost $120 Per Month Includes Unlimited Workouts And Sport Activities.

Enjoy being motivated and challenged by a fitness instructor leading you through unlimited choices of  different workouts.  A great way to meet individuals with the same goals and love for Fitness while becoming more fit than ever before! 

1 class per week in a month $50.00

 2 classes per week in a month $90

Unlimited Classes Per Month $120


 1111 On 1 Fitness Training $60 An Hour Outdoors

1 on 1 Fitness Training $70 An Hour In Home or Fitness Studio(Puckmasters)

$120 A Month Unlimited Via My Website with Paypal

 **Payments will  be put through every month from when you first activate your membership through Paypal.  If you would like to cancel payment I will need a months notice with out penalty.  Penalty is $50  dollars with out a months notice**

 Register for your 1 Week Free Trial!

The women wear only a quarter of shoes they own


John Oates and Hall and Oates : How John Oates Lose one's fortune

James Earl Jones Will combine Donald Glover and Reprise Role in Lion King
Did blackface to look like Bruno mars and his backup singers/dancers

FC Barcelona striker Neymar demands that he has most likely Lionel Messi will sign another arrangement at the Camp Nou